GUERIN Alexandrine
Archéologue, Curator of Archaeology & Early History, National Museum, Doha, Qatar. Direction du « Programme abbasside : étude régionale au Qatar » avec Dr. Haya Al-Thani, Qatar Museums ; Participe au programme » Archaeology and Heritage Qatar 2022, Vision 2030″, Qatar Museums.
Articles récents:
A. Guerin, « Settlement Patterns in Qatar during the Early Islamic Period (7th-10th century) », Proceedings for Seminar of Arabian Studies 52,London, forthcoming June 2022
Carvajal López J., Guérin A., Georgakopoulou M., « Petrographic analysis of ceramics from Murwab, an early Islamic site in Qatar Proceedings for Seminar of Arabian Studies 52, London, forthcoming June 2022.