Editors’ Foreword
Textiles and personal adornment in the Arabian Peninsula : papers from the special session of the Seminar for Arabian Studies held on 29 July 2016 (Aisa Martinez)
In memoriam Beatrice Eileen de Cardi OBE FSA FBA, 1914–2016
In memoriam Ernie Haerinck, 1949–2016
In memoriam Maurizio Tosi, 1944–2017
Pearl merchants of the Gulf and their life in Bombay (Saif Albedwawi)
An integrated approach to surveying the archaeological landscapes of Yemen (Rebecca Banks, Michael Fradley, Jérémie Schiettecatte & Andrea Zerbini)
Traces of date palm in an early third-millennium BC tomb in Zukayt, al-Dākhiliyyah, Sultanate of Oman (poster) (Eugenio Bortolini, Juan José García-Granero & Marco Madella)
A niche construction approach to vegetation community development in the south-west Arabian Neolithic : preliminary results (Abigail F. Buffington, Michael J. Harrower, Joy McCorriston & Eric A. Oches)
A Crowded Desert : early results from survey and excavation of nomadic sites in north-west Qatar (poster) (Jose C. Carvajal Lopez, Kirk Roberts, Gareth Rees, Frank Stremke, Anke Marsh, Laura Morabito, Andrew Bevan, Mark Altaweel, Rodney Harrison, Manuel Arroyo-Kalin, Robert Carter, Richard Fletcher & Faisal Abdullah al-Naimi)
Excavation at the Bronze Age tower of al-Khutm (Bāt, Sultanate of Oman) : a preliminary evaluation of the monument (poster) (Maurizio Cattani, Hassan al-Lawati, Sultan al-Bakri, Maurizio Tosi, Enzo Cocca, Alessandro Armigliato, Simone Mantellini & Giacomo Vinci)
Excavations in Area 2A at Sarūq al-Дadīd : Iron Age II evidence of copper production and ceremonial activities (Fernando Contreras Rodrigo, Bernardo Vila, Pedro Albarracín, Rashad Mohammed Bukhash, Sheikha Obaid Al Abbar, Mansour Boraik Radwan Karim & Hassan Mohammed Zein)
Zooarchaeological analysis of two dromedaries (Camelus dromedarius L.) from late Iron Age graves in Wādī ΚUyūn at Sināw (al-Sharqiyyah, Sultanate of Oman) (poster)
(Antonio Curci & Elena Maini)
New Iron Age funerary data from collective graves in Wādī FizΉ, northern Oman (Bleda S. Düring, Eric Olijdam & Sam A. Botan)
An archaeological overview of the landscape of the al-Duqm development area, Sultanate of Oman (poster) (Francesco Genchi, Gabriele Martino, Maria Pia Maiorano, Roman Garba & Waleed Hamad Al-Ghafri)
The discovery of a new Iron Age ritual complex in central Oman : recent excavations near Ādam (Guillaume Gernez, Mathilde Jean & Anne Benoist)
Pre-Islamic ‘Дamāsah’ verses from north-eastern Jordan : a new Safaitic poetic text from Marabb al-ShurafāΜ, with further remarks on the ΚĒn ΚAvdat inscription and KRS 2453 (Ahmad Al-Jallad)
Incense and imagery : mapping agricultural and water management systems on the island of Socotra, Yemen (Julian Jansen van Rensburg & Kristen Hopper)
Snake decorations on the Iron Age pottery from Sarūq al-Дadīd : a possible ritual centre ? (Steven Karacic, Mansour Boraik, Hussein Qandil & Hélène David-Cuny)
Chronology of stucco production in the Gulf and southern Mesopotamia in the early Islamic period (Agnieszka Lic=
Indus potters in central Oman in the second half of the third millennium BC. First results of a technological and archaeometric study (Sophie Méry, Michele Degli Esposti, Dennys Frenez & Jonathan Mark Kenoyer)
First campaign of survey and excavations at ShiyāΜ (Sūr, Sultanate of Oman)
(Olivia Munoz, Valentina Azzarà, Pierre-Henri Giscard, Raphaël Hautefort, Fanny San Basilio & Léa Saint-Jalm)
Al-ΚAyn Oases Mapping Project : Jīmī Oasis (poster) (Timothy Power, Peter Sheehan, Fatima Nasser Al Mansoori, Maitha Saleh Al Mansoori, Mai Hareb Al Mansoori & Mariam Nabeel Mohammed)
The development of complexity at third-millennium BC al-Khashbah,Sultanate of Oman : results of the first two seasons, 2015 and 2016 (Conrad Schmidt & Stephanie Döpper)
The bitumen imports at Tell Abraq — tracing the second-millennium BC bitumen industry in south-east Arabia (Thomas Van de Velde, Peter Magee & Frederic Lynen)
Embroidery from the Arabian Peninsula (Gillian Vogelsang-Eastwood)
An eighteenth-century merchantman off the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia
(Chiara Zazzaro, Romolo Loreto & Chiara Visconti)
Papers read at the Seminar for Arabian Studies held at the British Museum, London, on 29 to 31 July 2016