CNRS, UMR 8167 Orient & Méditerranée (Paris)
Jérémie Schiettecatte is a research fellow at the French National Centre for Scientific Research in Paris. He holds a PhD in Near-Eastern archaeology from the Sorbonne University (Paris). His current interests lay in the archaeology and history of the Arabian Peninsula and the Horn of Africa from the Bronze Age to the Late Antiquity. Since 2000, he has been working in Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia. He directed the Saudi-French Archaeological Mission in al-Kharj (Saudi Arabia) from 2011 to 2016. Since 2020, he is co-heading the French Archaeological Mission in Eastern Tigray (Ethiopia). He directed several research programs: “EmOAD – Emergence des oasis de l’Arabie déserte” (Sorbonne University) (2014-16) and “MAPARABIA — Mapping Ancient Arabia for enhancing knowledge and shifting paradigms” (National Research Agency, 2018-23). He authored 12 books and more than 80 scientific papers about ancient Arabia.

Dernières publications :

  1. Schiettecatte, 2011. D’Aden à Zafar. Villes d’Arabie du Sud préislamique(Orient et Méditerranée, 6), Paris : De Boccard (Download Pdf).
  2. Mouton & J. Schiettecatte, 2014.In the desert margins. The settlement process in ancient South and East Arabia (Arabia Antica, 9), Rome, “L’Erma” di Bretschneider, 334 p., ISBN 978-88-913-0680-7.
  3. Schiettecatte & M. Arbach, 2016. The political map of Arabia and the Middle East in the third century AD revealed by a Sabaean inscription, Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 2016, 2 : 176-196 (Download Pdf).
  4. Schiettecatte & A. Zouache, 2017. The Horse in Arabia and the Arabian Horse: Origins, Myths and Realities. Arabian Humanities, mis en ligne le 30 juin 2017, consulté le 21 juillet 2017 (Download Pdf).
  5. Schiettecatte, M. Arbach, 2020. La chronologie du royaume de Maʿīn (VIIIe-Iers. av. J.-C.). In I. Zaytsev (ed.), Arabian Antiquities. Studies Dedicated to Alexander Sedov on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday, Moscou, Oriental Literature Publisher : 233-284 (Download Pdf).