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Online lecture in the frame of the webinar Archaeology of the Middle East and North Africa from Late Antiquity to the Ottoman period. Second series : Iraq & Arabian Peninsula organized by the Ifpo, the CEFREPA & Udine University Online lecture in the frame of the webinar Archaeology of the Middle East and North Africa from Late Antiquity to the Ottoman period. Second series : Iraq & Arabian Peninsula organized by the Ifpo, the CEFREPA & Udine University
January 25th, 2 PM Rome | 4 PM Riyad Stephen McPhillips & Guillaume Chung-To (CNRS), « New Archaeological perspectives on Islamic period settlement and landscape use in Khaybar, Saudi Arabia »
The Khaybar oasis, in northwestern Arabia, is renowned in Islamic history for the battle that took place there in 7 AH/ 628 AD, an important early victory for the prophet Muhammad’s armies in Arabia over the local Jewish tribes, and for being the first recorded instance of the waqf, the Islamic religious endowment. In subsequent centuries Khaybar went less remarked, then, in 2020, the Khaybar Longue Durée Archaeological Project began revealing new faces of Khaybar’s Islamic history. Financed by the Royal Commission for AlUla and the Agence française pour le développement d’AlUla, extensive survey over a 56 km2 area, as well as targeted soundings at key sites, began to reveal not only continuity of occupation from the pre-Islamic period into the Early Islamic era, but also from the Abbasid period, which, potentially, represents a major reorganisation and expansion in settlement and agricultural lands. Significant hydro-agricultural developments are likely to date from this time, along with the creation of two new settlements — in the oasis core and on its periphery — and a change in defence strategy. This season (autumn 2022) two test trenches were opened in the congregational mosque of Bishr, revealing an Early Islamic foundation with multiple later phases of use : this may correlate to the Mosque of the Prophet, referred to by medieval sources. Medieval occupation in Khaybar is represented principally by surface ceramics, including imported pottery from Egypt and Syria, and the identification of fortified village sites. The Ottoman period sees major shifts, notably the presence of large enclosure systems used by the ‘Anaza Bedouin for processing dates into a portable commodity, the marabid, and in the late nineteenth through mid-twentieth centuries, the building of new fortified sites in the oasis core. This led to more de-nucleated settlement distribution which culminated in the foundation of modern Khaybar, to the south of the oasis, in 1979.
To know more and to register : https://www.ifporient.org/archaeology-mena-2/
المرأة في خراسان : دورها العلمي والثقافي منذ القرن الثالث إلى القرن السادس للهجرة
Join us this Tuesday 24/01/2023 at 6:00 PM (Kuwait time) for a lecture with Dr. Reem Alrudainy. This lecture will be held in Arabic at CEFREPA.  
The French Research Center of the Arabian Peninsula (CEFREPA) invites you to the presentation of the book « Global History of Kuwait » by Dr. Philippe Pétriat on Wednesday 11/01/2023 at 05:00 PM at the French Residence, Jabriya, Block 10, Street 13, Villa 21  
Kuwait in the Age of Petro-Modernity : Visual Culture and Urban Transformation since 1950
Join us this Tuesday 24/01/2023 at 6:00 PM (Kuwait time) for a lecture with Dr. Reem Alrudainy. This lecture will be held in Arabic at CEFREPA.  
Archaeology of the Middle East and North Africa from Late Antiquity to the Ottoman period. Second series : Iraq & Arabian Peninsula organized by the Ifpo, the CEFREPA and Udine University

December, 14 – 3PM (Rome), 5PM (Qatar)
R. Carter (Qatar Museums) & F. Sakal (Qatar Museums), « New Archaeological Insights into the Early Islamic Period in Qatar »
Since 2018 a significant number of new sites dating to the Early Islamic period have been identified in Qatar, through a combination of kite survey, desktop analysis of satellite imagery and ground survey. These are provisionally dated by their surface finds to the 7th/8th and 9th centuries CE. According to historical records and archaeological investigations elsewhere they may be the settlements of either Christian or Muslim communities. The sites present a range of morphologies but can broadly be characterised as either linear or agglomerated, while the economic and subsistence activities of their inhabitants remain poorly understood. Only two sites of this date in Qatar have been excavated and published (Murwab and Yughbi), but excavations of two more (Mesaika and Ain Muhammad) will begin in November 2022. We will present an overview of the sites, along with the first results of the 2022 excavations, and consider the nature of Early Islamic and Christian settlement in Qatar.
النهضة التنموية الأولى في تاريخ الكويت، مجلس الإنشاء ١٩٥٢ – ١٩٦٢م
Join us this Tuesday 13/12/2022 at 6:00 PM (Kuwait time) for a lecture with Dr. Abdallah Al Najdi. This lecture will be held in Arabic at CEFREPA.
مائتا عام على فك رموز الهيروغليفية
Join us this Tuesday 06/12/2022 at 6:00 PM (Kuwait time) for a lecture with Dr. El-Sayed Mahfouz. This lecture will be held in Arabic at CEFREPA.

Vestibulum pharetra erat ac dui venenatis malesuada. Sed rutrum, nisi a semper mattis, elit odio dapibus dui, suscipit hendrerit felis nibh.

Howard Jackson

In et porttitor sapien, at iaculis erat. Morbi sed finibus tellus. Pellentesque purus libero, rhoncus ac pellentesque quis, eleifend ac augue. Suspendisse blandit, eros in sagittis suscipit, lacus magna mollis dui, non convallis enim turpis et nibh. Proin tempor laoreet lacinia.

Aenean feugiat, mi vestibulum tempus facilisis, magna enim malesuada nunc, sit amet consequat metus erat vitae neque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. ec id ipsum sagittis, pulvinar nulla nec, interdum orci. Duis at est nulla.. 

Duis efficitur velit vel lectus bibendum, malesuada convallis purus luctus. Proin dignissim eleifend augue eget aliquet. Donec nec ligula sit amet sapien.

Pellentesque sagittis mi ac ligula iaculis, quis tincidunt dolor pulvinar.

Maecenas libero tortor, finibus et mi eu, ultricies pharetra orci. Nam in dolor ut magna semper molestie ut eu velit. Aenean sit amet mi eu enim suscipit iaculis at sit amet tortor. Sed lacinia purus in lorem dignissim, at hendrerit velit mattis. Suspendisse fermentum mi id consectetur tristique. Nunc euismod, eros sit amet dignissim pharetra, diam dui lacinia quam, sed rutrum dolor mauris vulputate ex. Ut suscipit commodo quam non scelerisque. Suspendisse malesuada feugiat lacus, eu imperdiet dolor hendrerit in. Vestibulum egestas ligula leo, eget consequat sapien sagittis sit amet. Donec semper ante nec erat faucibus, eu consectetur erat lobortis. Donec justo eros, scelerisque in ex ac, vehicula congue urna.

Mauris aliquam tellus orci. Integer placerat orci nec massa consequat fermentum. Aliquam posuere mattis ex ac porta. Nullam sit amet arcu ac lectus efficitur convallis ut ac urna. Morbi porttitor dui a lorem eleifend, ut imperdiet libero commodo. Vivamus a arcu in magna sodales dignissim eget a justo. Ut orci lacus, venenatis eget dolor ut, placerat ultricies tortor. Nulla in elit eget mi elementum sollicitudin. Phasellus eget tincidunt leo.

Vivamus non massa et dui hendrerit tincidunt eu a odio. Sed volutpat sem quis lectus hendrerit ullamcorper. Integer non ligula in nibh fringilla pellentesque sit amet sed arcu.

Maecenas libero tortor, finibus et mi eu, ultricies pharetra orci. Nam in dolor ut magna semper molestie ut eu velit. Aenean sit amet mi eu enim suscipit iaculis at sit amet tortor. Sed lacinia purus in lorem dignissim, at hendrerit velit mattis. Suspendisse fermentum mi id consectetur tristique.

Nunc euismod, eros sit amet dignissim pharetra, diam dui lacinia quam, sed rutrum dolor mauris vulputate ex. Ut suscipit commodo quam non scelerisque. Suspendisse malesuada feugiat lacus, eu imperdiet dolor hendrerit in. Vestibulum egestas ligula leo, eget consequat sapien. 

Duis efficitur velit vel lectus bibendum, malesuada convallis purus luctus. Proin dignissim eleifend augue eget aliquet. Donec nec ligula sit amet sapien.

Pellentesque sagittis mi ac ligula iaculis, quis tincidunt dolor pulvinar.
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Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque ultricies pretium pharetra. Phasellus quis molestie urna. In dictum vel diam vel congue. Duis consequat, velit quis ullamcorper lacinia, velit lectus imperdiet urna, sit amet aliquet nisi dolor ut metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum a egestas arcu.

Proin pretium pellentesque quam, in pulvinar ex laoreet in. Aliquam fringilla eros sed lectus mattis, a rutrum tortor dignissim. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque placerat nisi non vestibulum tristique. Vivamus tincidunt suscipit nulla sed scelerisque. Aliquam vitae est ac arcu hendrerit elementum. Vestibulum accumsan placerat turpis eu porttitor.

Quisque ultrices iaculis urna, interdum
dictum lorem tristique et.

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Nunc risus augue, porta eu nunc ut, condimentum mattis nisi. Fusce eros ante, congue eu nibh eu, pharetra pellentesque nulla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi in enim fermentum, faucibus augue id, rhoncus arcu. Nam ac ex sit amet tellus convallis venenatis. Nam nec porttitor ipsum.