Lamya Khalidi is a researcher at the CNRS in the Cultures et Environnements : Préhistoire, Antiquité, Moyen Âge (CEPAM) laboratory in Nice, and is an archaeologist and specialist in the late prehistory of Arabia and the Horn of Africa (12th – 1st millennium BC). She works on the circulation and production of obsidian, and human -environment interrelations to reconstruct prehistoric human interactions and mobility. She is a permanent member of international archaeological programs in Yemen, Sudan, Ethiopia, Republic of Djibouti, Syria, and Lebanon. Director of several missions in Yemen between 2002 and 2010, she currently directs the VAPOR-Afar project in Ethiopia. She is co-editor of three books including “Contacts between South Arabia and the Horn of Africa, from the Bronze Age to Islam: In honor of Rémy Audouin” published in 2021, and has authored and co-authored more than sixty scientific and mainstream articles.

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