An international conference entitled “On the Roads of Arabia. Itinirary by land and sea” has been held on 12-13-14 December 2024 at Institut du Monde Arabe (IMA), Paris and was organized by Routes de l’Orient, l’Institut du monde arabe & ARCHAOS in partnership with CEFREPA, AFALULA, ARSCAN, CVEC, Sorbonne university, Ecole doctorale 22 and Orient & Mediterranée.
Organized by Sterenn Le Maguer-Gillon (Unil/Archaïos/Cefrepa) and Joesselin Pinot (Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne/Archaïos), this magnificent international conference brought together some excellent specialists who, over the course of three days, addressed the following topics: 1. structures inherent to land and sea routes; 2. actors involved in the circulation of the Arabian Peninsula and its periphery; 3. trade and merchant networks; 4. circulation of goods, materials and techniques; 5. pilgrimage routes in the Islamic period; 6. maritime routes and resources.