GUERIN Alexandrine
Archéologue, Curator of Archaeology & Early History, National Museum, Doha, Qatar. Direction du « Programme abbasside : étude régionale au Qatar » avec Dr. Haya Al-Thani, Qatar Museums ; Participe au programme ” Archaeology and Heritage Qatar 2022, Vision 2030″, Qatar Museums.
Articles récents:
A. Guerin, “Settlement Patterns in Qatar during the Early Islamic Period (7th-10th century)”, Proceedings for Seminar of Arabian Studies 52,London, forthcoming June 2022
Carvajal López J., Guérin A., Georgakopoulou M., “Petrographic analysis of ceramics from Murwab, an early Islamic site in Qatar Proceedings for Seminar of Arabian Studies 52, London, forthcoming June 2022.