Arabian Humanities – International Journal of Archeology and Social Sciences in the Arabian Peninsula – N.18/2023 « Pop Culture in the Arabian Peninsula: Societal Expressions, Commercial Issues and State Cooptations » March, 2024
- admcef22
- April 15, 2024

A new Issue N.18 of the Arabian Humanities Journal “« Pop Culture in the Arabian Peninsula: Societal Expressions, Commercial Issues and State Cooptations » is OUT!
Frédéric Lagrange, Clio Chaveneau et Laure Assaf
Pop Culture in the Arabian Peninsula: Societal Expressions, Commercial Issues and State Cooptations
Clio Chaveneau
“Arabic Pop Art” on Instagram: Questioning the Representations of Arabness and Khaleejiness in Digital Art
Coline Houssais
“Visible invisibility”: from traditional ṭaggāgāt to Samra female pop stars, representations and performativity of race and gender in the northern Arabian Peninsula
Richard Nedjat-Haiem
The Dubai Effect: From Egyptocentricism to Gulf-based Pan-Arabism in Arab Pop Songs
Corinne Stokes
Performing Khaleejiness on Instagram: Authenticity, hybridity, and belonging
Frédéric Lagrange
Ma fi gerger ziyada: the South Asian Character in Gulf Cultural Productions
Laure Assaf
Girls’ Fashion and Khaleeji Pop Culture: The cultural fortunes of the gambūʿa, from hairdo to Internet meme