CHARLOUX Guillaume
Archaeologist. Graduated from the School of the Louvre Museum and from the French Biblical and Archaeological School of Jerusalem, Guillaume Charloux received his PhD in archeology from the university of Paris 1 Sorbonne in 2006. Since 2007, he is a permanent research engineer at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS, UMR 8167 Orient & Méditerranée). During the last decade, he coordinated various archaeological research projects at Karnak in Egypt (CFEETK USR 3172 CNRS/MoA) and he has been directing the archaeological and epigraphic mission Oasis of Desert Arabia in Saudi Arabia. Since 2010, he has been studying several major sites of Saudi Arabia: al-Bad’ ancient Madian (codirector S. Sahlah, KSU), the Camel Site (codirectors M. Guagnin, Max Planck Institute & A. AlSharekh, KSU), Khaybar (codirectors R. Crassard, CNRS and M. AlMushawh, RCU) and Dûmat al-Jandal ancient Adummatu (codirector R. Loreto, L’Orientale). His research interests focus mainly on the origins of the Karnak temples as well as on the formation and evolution of oases in Arabia through time.
The ramparts of Khaybar. Multiproxy investigation for reconstructing a Bronze Age walled oasis in Northwest Arabia