GRECO Cristina
Cristina Greco is an Assistant Professor in Communication at the College of Interdisciplinary Studies, Zayed University (United Arab Emirates). She also serves as a research committee member for the same college. She earned a PhD in Communication Sciences with a thesis in Semiotics at the Department of Communication and Social Research, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). She was vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Head of the Communication Research Unit and Research Office at the Jeddah College of Advertising, University of Business and Technology (Saudi Arabia). She co-founded the Gulf Association of Semiotic Studies (UAE). She has been awarded a research grant by Zayed University for a project titled “Identifying Drivers of Cultural Communication and Preserved Identity through Metaverse and AI Technologies in the UAE”. Her research interests include semiotics of culture, media and communication studies, cultural heritage, emerging media, and urban life, with a focus on the theories of collective memory and cultural identity. She conducts research on how cultural texts and media discourses reflect, negotiate, and rethink identities and social transformations. Her focus includes heritage, cultural identity, collective memory, and authenticity through comics, urban art, and digital media, employing an interdisciplinary approach that combines socio-semiotic and ethnography. She developed a research project in Saudi Arabia focused that centered on food heritage and cultural identity.
Greco, C. (2024). Louvre Abu Dhabi. Città-museo e Arcipelago Globale, In Miti Galeotti. A intelligenza del resto, Insegne, Mimesis, 147-156.
Greco, C., Boero, M. (2023). Beyond the Myth: The Perfection of Being an Imperfect Mother in Contemporary Advertising, Lexia 41-42.
Greco, C., Boero, M. (2022). How advertising preserves cultural identities while communicating societal changes: A comparative study of the representation of women between Italy and Saudi Arabia, Lexia 30-49.
Greco, C. (2021). Food Heritage, Memory, and Cultural Identity in Saudi Arabia: the Case of Jeddah, Springer International Publishing 19, XIV, 55-74.
Greco, C. (2017). Translating cultural identities, permeating boundaries: Autobiographical and testimonial narratives of second-generation immigrant women. In Gender and Migration in
Italy: A Multilayered Perspective, 2017, pp. 215–230.
Greco, C. (2017). Dall’autobiografia al documento. Il graphic novel tra memoria archiviata e svelamento dell’illusione in Anne Frank. The Anne Frank House Authorized Graphic Biography. Signa, 26, 711-728.